Simbiso Maphosa (Simbi) is an ambitious, inspiring, self motivated Biomedical Engineer. She is originally from Gweru, Zimbabwe. At age 19, she travelled 8000 miles across the world to pursue a degree in Biomedical Engineering at Bucknell University as a first generation international college student.
"I have a strong passion for improving human health through designing and developing new life changing medical devices and improving upon existing medical interventions. I strive to develop skills that will allow me to contribute to the exciting technological advancements in the medical field and improve people’s health by applying engineering principles to medicine. My career goal is to be in a position where I can improve equal access technology driven health solutions in low resource and underserved communities."
Bucknell University
Lewisburg, PA
Bachelor of Science
Biomedical Engineering | Dean’s List
Thornhill High School
Gweru, Zimbabwe
Advanced Level Diploma
Ordinary Level Diploma
Awards & Honors
The James M. Pommersheim Research and Innovation in Engineering Award
The James M. Pommersheim Research & Innovation in Engineering Award is given to the engineering student who has achieved through creative effort outstanding work of scholarship or invention.
Biomedical Engineering Excellence Award
This award recognizes the student who displays exemplary engineering and design skills in his or her work through the application of concepts learned in the classroom and laboratory.
Reed-Garman Engineering Entrepreneurship Award
The Reed-Garman Engineering Entrepreneurship Award supports students in the college of engineering at Bucknell University who have demonstrated a most promising entrepreneurial spirit and mindset. The award is given to students with ideas to develop a new product, service, or technology.
Emerging Leader Award
The Emerging Leader Award is given to a member of the first-year or sophomore class at Bucknell University who has become active in co-curricular activities and has demonstrated outstanding leadership potential.
Burma-Bucknell Award
The Burma-Bucknell Bowl Award recognizes an organization or University community member (faculty, staff or student) who has made outstanding contributions to intercultural and international understanding.
Michael M. & Lillian A. Fremont General Scholar
The Michael M. & Lillian A. Fremont General Scholar is a prestigious award given to select international students who demonstrate outstanding leadership ability and strong academic excellence.
EducationUSA Zimbabwe Opportunity Funds Scholar
The EducationUSA Zimbabwe Opportunity Funds Scholars Program seeks highly qualified students who plan to attend college in the US colleges. Opportunity Funds students bring cultural and socio-economic diversity to U.S campuses.
1st Runner Up Twilio Design Challenge
The Twilio Design Challenge was an opportunity for Bucknell students to create a solution to a community issue, using the Twilio platform with technical mentors to help with code or using their no-code product studio.
Bison Award For Excellence
The BISON Award for Excellence in Co-Curricular Activities recognizes seniors who have made significant contributions to co-curricular and community activities.